ClickExpose Adapted classroom training including first aid training
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Adapted classroom training including first aid training

Many of our customers have been in touch during Covid-19 expressing concerns as to how they can complete their classroom based training such as first aid training, as it is not one of the subjects that can be wholly completed via virtual learning (parts can be).

After discussions with a number of professionals and government advice we have put the following measures in place in order to be able to safely deliver sessions.

- ROOM SIZE - all of our training sessions will be completed in rooms that are large enough for delegates to be able to socially distance (if this is an open course we will ensure that we book large enough rooms, and if this is a training course that is taking place at your premises we will request that you risk assess the room to ensure that we are in a room big enough for the group size).

- TEMPERATURE CHECKS - the trainer will conduct temperature checks of all delegates at the beginning of the session

- CLEAR GUIDANCE - we are sending clear guidance to all delegates attending our training sessions not to attend if they have shown any symptoms at all, or if they have come into contact with anybody who has. The trainers will of course be ensuring that they also do this.

- ADAPTED METHODS OF TEACHING - we have purchased various pieces of new kit in order to be able to both reduce the number of people using items (for example on our first aid courses every delegate will have their own training auto-injector as well as other items). We have also adapted some of the methods for training, so for example we have purchased full size manikins to demonstrate the recovery position. All activities that we would have previously carried out during sessions have been reviewed and if appropriate adapted in order to reduce risk.

- PPE - We will be asking all delegates and trainers to wear PPE where appropriate.

- CLEANING - All items are thoroughly cleaned / changed on our training equipment before, throughout and after each session.

We are aware that the above may all sound a little daunting, but we will ensure that the sessions remain interactive and fun! If you, or any of your team are anxious about attending training please feel free to give us a call on 01603 574079 in order to discuss the steps we are taking. Equally, Covid is new to us all, so if there are any measures you feel we should be putting in place which are not listed above please do let us know

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