Basic HR & Legislation for Care Managers / Seniors
Suitable For
This course is ideal for individuals who are responsible for recruitment and/or day to day management of a team within the Health & Social care sector.
Questions at interview
Application form requirements
DBS + References (Inc providing references)
Contract requirements and handbooks
Changes to contracts of employment
Notice Periods & Rights
Different methods & schemes
Absence from work
Sick leave (Whilst under investigation)
Maternity / Paternity
Other statutory leave
Medical conditions & reasonable adjustments
Training, PPE & Equipment
Drugs & Alcohol Misuse
Social Media
Working Time Directive & Breaks
Accidents at work
Corporate Manslaughter
Disciplinary Processes
Dismissal - Claims for unfair, wrongful & constructive dismissal
External bodies
5.5 hrs
We are able to offer a shorter one in-house if you would like a tailored course
Open Courses
Group cOST
Get in touch for a quote for up to 12 people